In Credit & Me: The Adventures of Growing the Eff Up, Andrea Fowler tells the story of her financial struggles and proves that regardless of the shit that happens in life, you can still reach your financial goals—you can still obtain prosperity! Born into a low-income family, life was never easy for Andrea. She went through college struggling to make ends meet, pinched pennies and worked multiple jobs through graduate school. With bad credit and unbelievable debt, nothing looked promising. Until one day, the unexpected changed the course of her financial path forever. Fast forward to today, Andrea has triumphed over every one of her financial circumstances and succeeded beyond her wildest dreams. She grew the eff up, and now she's using her experiences to help you grow the eff up too! Credit & Me is Andrea's down-to-earth, no-nonsense guide to navigating the murky waters of financial literacy and money management. Her honesty and straight-forward approach helps break the dizzying language of the financial world and lead you into a life of financial freedom. Credit & Me is inspiring, insightful and fit for anyone ready to transform their financial status and repair their credit for good.