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Book details
  • SubGenre:Finance / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:72
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667807874

Creating Efficient Financial Wealth

by Gerardo Linarducci

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Money Strategies for Americans. What Americans need to know, regarding their money, and how to keep more of it, rather then outside organizations taking it from them, in the forms of Taxes, and Inflation.
Over the 28 years in the Financial Services Industry, I have come in contact with many different types of individuals and families. The one common denotators that they all had in common, was Retirement. But they all had different wants, needs, in their retirement years. I discovered in my earlier years, traditional thinking would get your traditional results. In order to get maximum results, we need to think different. By doing so, we have the ability to achieve more control of your assets, and adding additional benefits to your accounts. Creating the opportunity to live on the most amount of money during your retirement years, and pay the least amount tax.
About the author
Gerardo Linarducci is a financial professional with an extensive background of how to Protect, Save, and Grow your wealth in a more money efficient way. As you create, and accumulate your wealth, you also need to protect what you have accumulated. There is now both an "Art" and "Science" in achieving this. This is why he uses the economic model, in making more efficient money decisions, He understands the difference between hindsight and experience, Because I have worked with so many individuals, and families, I have seen and discussed many of the mistakes of the past of others, and I share those mistakes with future prospects. He believes that is what people are really looking for, when interviewing to hire a financial professional. Recently Gerardo became the managing Director of Innovative Premier Financial Service, with offices, in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Houston Taxes. Prior to his joining IPFS he served as VP of Representative Development, and training, along with handling business production. In his free time, better known as "DUCCI" enjoys world traveling with his life companion and wife, Jennifer. Ducci has attended over 188 Bruce Springsteen concert around the world, and is attempting to set a personal record of 200 events. He is also an avid Futbol and MMA fan. He has attend UFC events in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, along many in here in the USA. He has discovered his God gifted unique ability. The gifts that God has provided me are natural, and I use these gift's to help and serve others through the professional financial career that I Chose 28 years ago. He enjoys living life to the maximum. Never looking back, and taking advantage of every day that he wakes, because he understands that tomorrow may never come. Having lost a very good friend in the 9/11 attacks, it taught me to live, and live with Love, Joy, Passion in my heart every moment during every breath that I take!

Book Reviews

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Creating Efficient Financial Wealth I felt Gerardo was speaking to me. Very interesting perspective about money! Quite a few take always! “MUST READ” also passing it to my children! Read more
Creating efficient financial wealth Well written and a pleasure to read. Simple breakdown of money and how we think about it. Was supposed to give it to my daughter but I think I will hold on to the book and read it again. Worked with Ducci at the Airport in the mid eighties and haven’t seen him since. It appears that he has excelled in the world of finance. Read more
Excellent What a great book!!!! Very good and clear and much needed information for us all. Written from the heart....trying to help other! Thank You! Read more