Venture into the compelling narrative of 'Coral Reefs,' where Diane and Bronwyn embark on a mission to unveil the undeniable truth about global warming, rising sea levels, and the perilous impact of escalating ocean temperatures. In a world where skepticism persists, the duo is determined to shatter misconceptions and raise awareness about the imminent threats to our environment.
Challenging their skeptical science teacher, Diane and Bronwyn launch into a competition that propels them on a journey of exploration and revelation. Their pursuit of factual evidence leads them to the vibrant coral reefs of Florida. From snorkeling in Epcot Center's giant fish tank to exploring the Miami Seaquarium and the depths of the Florida Keys, the girls encounter a spectrum of scientists and coral reef specialists, gathering the data crucial for their mission.
Back at school, their presentation becomes a beacon of knowledge, not only enlightening their science class but captivating the entire student body. Their science teacher, instrumental in the journey's inception, arranges for state representatives to witness their compelling presentation.