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Book details
  • Genre:LAW
  • SubGenre:Intellectual Property / Copyright
  • Language:English
  • Pages:208
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350949384

Copyright Artfully Explained

The Illustrated Legal Reference for Visual Artists

by Deborah Reid, Esq. and Mary Atwood

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Copyright Artfully Explained: The Illustrated Legal Guide for Visual Artists, by Deborah Reid with Mary Atwood, teaches artists about what a copyright is and how it applies to their work. Creatives will learn what can and cannot be copied – legally – without getting a headache. Stories and exhibits from actual court cases are included to illustrate how art and copyright interact in the real world. Parsed, sliced and diced statutes, and visual explanations of legal concepts translate legalese into plainer language. Copyright Artfully Explained explores the burgeoning impact of technology on art and copyright law. It provides an overview of the legal landscape, warnings about potential landmines, and the vocabulary to explore further. It is an engaging, invaluable, and accessible resource for professional artists and art students. This guide is a colorful introductory reference for lawyers and law students.
Copyright Artfully Explained: The Illustrated Legal Guide for Visual Artists by Deborah Reid, Esq. with Mary Atwood teaches artists about what a copyright is and how it impacts their work. This book tells the stories of actual court cases and translates legalese into plainer language. This beautifully illustrated tome is organized into five main sections: • The Subject Matter of Copyright – charts what types of work are afforded copyright protection. The two threshold requirements of copyrightability, originality and fixation are explained. The types of work eligible and categorically ineligible for copyright protection are catalogued. The Public Domain is explored. • The Exclusive Rights of Copyright – examines the bundle of exclusive rights conferred on artists for a limited time to allow them to monetize their work. The rights include the right to duplicate the work (quite literally the "copy" right), the right to make derivative works, the rights of public performance and display and the distribution right. • The Ownership of Copyright – explains can be an author or copyright owner The specific requirements Works Made for Hire are explained. Some guidelines to keep collaborations from turning into quagmires are suggested. • The Fair Use Doctrine – Fair use is the right to use copyrighted work without payment or permission in some circumstances. The four statutory factors used to analyze fair use are explained. Actual exhibits from actual fair use cases provide a colorful example. • The Legal Care and Protection of Copyrights – provides a guide on how and why to use copyright notices, the important benefits of copyright registration and how to register works. The legal remedies of infringement lawsuits, DMCA Take Down Notices and the newly enacted small claims procedures for copyright infringements are summarized.
About the author
Deborah Reid is a lifelong artist and an attorney with four decades of experience. She is a graduate of the University of San Diego School of Law, and a member of the bars of California, Florida and New York. Reid is passionate about sharing her legal knowledge and educating other creatives about their rights. She combines analytical and artistic skills to create striking visual illustrations and clear explanations of legal concepts. Her legal reference guides, seminars and lectures are vibrant and informative.