This book is the inevitable outcome of a greater universe vision that accounts for Conservation of Energy, where I ask the heretical question: is the Big Bang the actual moment of creation or just a common gravity-driven event? The topics discussed put in balance the observed and unexpected fact that our visible universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, a fact that completely caught the global physics community by surprise when the Hubble Space Telescope made an observation to settle the biggest bet of the day in physics—specifically, is the universe expanding at a constant rate or slowing down (preparing for a big crunch or a system reset)? Amazingly, all bets were lost, and physicists have been trying to solve the mystery of Universe Acceleration ever since. I propose a solution that does not involve new physics but instead relies on standard (observable and calculable) gravity.
This book is the product of a simple hypothesis that manifested itself into an independent film (Saraya's Universe) that I wrote, produced, and directed. It premiered at the Santa Rosa International Film Festival in 2012, for which I happily received the Principia Award (best science in cinema). Since then, I self-published a formal paper on the subject (Pull Theory) and began the long and arduous journey of socializing the idea until Conscious Capital Press invited this book.
With that said, I fully recognize the peril of supporting an idea that comes from outside the academic physics community and that boldly (if not naively) suggests that most (if not all) research in the Dark Energy space has been going in the wrong direction—yes, I'm questioning the exotic notion that gravity must reverse itself in some unexplained way for Universe Acceleration to work as a "push" theory, because dark energy doesn't offer the full accounting required for the Conservation of Energy.
On this note, I am not only extremely grateful to Lawrence Ford, Conscious Capital Press publisher, but also to James "Rick" Forster, former Hat Creek Radio Observatory director and retired research astronomer, as well as Matt Greeson, Thames physics professor, for extending their endorsements to this simple and fully accounted theory for how our greater universe can work.
Here, I'm reminded of Galileo's fate when he boldly proposed a new model for what was humanity's limited view of our solar system and, thus, was sentenced by the Inquisition to house arrest for the rest of his days. I only wish he had this poetic line, which I have used more than once to defend my own thoughts on the cosmos: "To those who feel their faith is threatened by the identification of a greater universe, I humbly ask 'Who are you to diminish the realm of God?'"
In this light, Lawrence and I shared a remarkable discussion walking back from Point Bonita beach in California, where I offered a thought experiment that identified what liberated consciousness would endure if Pull Theory is in fact the accurate conceptualization of our greater universe. As a result of this lovely and thought-provoking hike, I've added a chapter that shares this additional concept and, thus, invites the reader to take an even greater step in seeing a comprehensively whole system: one that blends physics with metaphysics, a potential grand unification of another sort, beyond the combination of quantum mechanics with relativity . . . but I am getting ahead of myself. So, let's begin with some simple context before we dive into this complex (yet seemingly natural) weave of thought experiments.