This book was written as a Spiritual journey for the believer inspired from a life altering experience by the author who was in a coma for three days as his family stood by waiting to bury him but miraculously was returned to life as we know it. This life changing spiritual experience confounded medical professionals, family members and ministers of the Word of God. Many who later asked the author about what he experienced while being suspended between life and death for three days at Providence Hospital in Washington, D.C. The author shared a harrowing journey while kept alive on a respirator. The author recalls following a mysterious light that led him to confess his sins which then lifted his burden and returned him to life. The writings from this book in a parable like poetic form is a message from God to the believer. Today the author is the Voice of Lift U Up in Prayer every Saturday at 12 noon for the Greater DC National Action network nation wide ! He holds an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters and PhD. from Godsu Oved Dei Seminary and University in Florida. Dr.Malone is also the Past National Vice President of the Brotherhood of St.Andrew Worldwide Mens Ministry and a Lifetime Member of the Exclusive Ministry of St,Andrew " Legions of Honor".