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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:American / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:101
  • eBook ISBN:9781483534008

Confessions of A White, Southern Sugar Baby

by E. Kashka "E. K." Wade

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Confessions of A White, Southern Sugar Baby evolved from the crazed. racist mind of a sociopathic White man that chronicled the story of a former prostitute that was sold into prostitution, at age sixteen, by her sharecropping father. Penelope's sharecropping father sold her to a wealthy Southern businessman for a measly five thousand dollars.
Confessions of A White, Southern Sugar Baby evolved from the crazed, racist mind of a sociopathic White man that chronicled the story of a former prostitute that was sold into prostitution, at age sixteen, by her sharecropping father. Penelope’s sharecropping father sold her to a wealthy, shrewd, White, Southern businessman for a measly five thousand dollars. As the sociopathic White man is chronicling Penelope’s detestable story of child-trafficking, kidnapping, rape, incest, and murder, he finds himself lusting for her affections, as he awaits the end of the story to have his own way with Penelope. Set in the early 1920s, after the Civil War and Reconstruction, wrought by wealth, prejudice, lynchings, and utter disdain for women’s worth, this White businessman, with a penchant for young women, will stop at nothing to stockpile these young women for his sexual pleasure, until he meets up with a gun-toting devout Christian woman. This work includes, but not limited to, kidnapping, murder, sex trafficking, nudity, violence, prostitution, rape, misogyny, religion, sexual battering, crossing the color lines, pandering, racism, blackmail, and graphic language, to include a really shocking finish.
About the author
E. Kashka “E. K.” Wade was born in Orange, Texas in 1947; and a recipient of the Purple Heart for wounds received during combat in Vietnam. He holds a Bachelors Degree from California State University-Hayward, Hayward, California; a Masters Degree from Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California; a Paralegal Certificate, with Honors, from Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, California; a member Lambda Epsilon Chi, a National Honor Society in Paralegal Studies; and a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Mr. Wade is the President and CEO of Forty Acres and A Mule, Inc. His previously published work, Get Up Off Your Assets (2003), is a reverse psychological motivational book designed to empower African Americans to stop depending upon mainstream America to provide for them; and to revitalize their hopes of realizing the American Dream. Mr. Wade is the most honest man alive; he refuses to accept mediocrity; and he has a strong mind for hard work. His favorite saying: “Every day is Friday.” His favorite words of encouragement: “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, then you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” His favorite bite: “If you cannot help me to get from point A to point B, then that’s alright, but at least have enough courtesy to get the hell out of my way.” His favorite defense against negative criticism: “I agree with you. I am all that you say about me, a small order of fries; and you can get a Coke with that. In fact, you can supersize the fries.”