About the author
Karim Vedol resides in the SF Bay Area. He is the husband to an amazing woman and a father to a child who challenges his thinking, keeps him on his toes and is ALWAYS looking for something new to learn. Being a dad is great, but being a strong role model for his son is everything. The fun and experiences Karim shares with his son inspired him to jump into writing…and here we are!
Karim has stuttered since early childhood and believes this is a big reason why he has always enjoyed writing. Writing allows him to say anything without getting stuck on a word, and his imagination can run wild creating stories and adventures for readers to enjoy.
When he's not writing, Karim works as an HR leader and he enjoys cooking, cruising down the Cabrillo Highway, and spending time with the fam. Tide pooling with his son is also loads of fun.
Favorite chore: vacuuming
Favorite sea creature: it's a tie between the peacock mantis shrimp and the flamboyant cuttlefish
Most important life skill: reading