Have you ever found yourself desperately craving a romantic partner out of a fear of loneliness and a desire to feel loved, and hence have most likely settled on unhealthy relationships and stayed in them way longer than you know you should have? If you have, then you've probably also found yourself trying to crack open emotionally unavailable people and have clung on to the idea and draining hope that people change the more you give and try to prove your worthiness to them. If that resonated, then you've most likely also constantly asked yourself "Why does this this keep happening to me?".
In Chronicles of My Crazy Love, Mischa shares her firsthand experience of the life-changing pain in her first romantic relationship that made her detach from the notion of love and fairytales and propelled her to understand and live life on a deeper, truer level. This book is a testament of "ditch the ego and be vulnerable", as she likes to put it. Today, sharing this book represents releasing the shame and judgment that we are so prone to drowning ourselves in and just really stepping up to the plate and acknowledging our past, our wounds, and our traumas as compasses in a direction of growth and healing- things even she never understood until getting her heart broken.
If you currently are in an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship, struggling with a breakup, still trying to move on from someone, have experienced loss and are not allowing yourself to grieve, or if you just need a little warmth and reminder to be a more vulnerable human being, grab this book and let's get to know each other. What's your story?