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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Aging
  • Language:English
  • Pages:140
  • eBook ISBN:9781667845227
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667845210

Caregiving Confidential

Path of Meaning

by Ilene Nathanson

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CAREGIVING CONFIDENTIAL: Path of Meaning provides some answers to common challenges encountered by caregivers of older adults. The book is organized around specific themes encountered along the caregiving journey and represents a compilation of the experiences of actual persons (whose names have been changed to protect privacy). The narrative follows a typical timeline in the process of caregiving and reflects a range of both financial and custodial solutions to predictable challenges. The book provides supplementary reference material and factual information but is mostly meant to be a "love letter" to caregivers - to provide solace and perhaps some comic relief.
CAREGIVING CONFIDENTIAL: Path of Meaning provides some answers to common challenges encountered by caregivers of older adults. The book is organized around specific themes encountered along the caregiving journey and represents a compilation of the experiences of actual persons (whose names have been changed to protect privacy). The narrative follows a typical timeline in the process of caregiving and reflects a range of both financial and custodial solutions to predictable challenges. The book provides supplementary reference material and factual information but is mostly meant to be a "love letter" to caregivers - to provide solace and perhaps some comic relief.
About the author
Ilene L. Nathanson DSW, LCSW recently retired from Long Island University where she served as chief administrator of graduate social work and as a full professor for over 30 years. Her induction into gerontology began at the Brookdale Center of Aging of Hunter College and she has a rich track record of publications in the field, in topics ranging from mental health, human development, spirituality to aging services and health policy. Dr. Nathanson now dedicates her time to advancing awareness of aging issues, especially related to continuity of care and post career success through her affiliation with LEANING OUT, an online executive consultancy as well as through private consulting. As this book reveals, Dr. Nathanson has "walked the walk" and recalls telling herself, when she set out on her career in gerontology, that this was a career that would offer great personal returns as well as lifelong challenges. Caregiving Confidential: Path of Meaning is in many ways an expression of gratitude to colleagues, clients, friends and relatives who have joined her on her life's continuing journey and who have validated the power of common purpose and mutual support.