Buzzy is a bee who can't make honey. He does everything according to the recipe, but no matter how hard he tries, he ends up with gum drops instead of honey. He becomes the laughingstock of the hive. Despondent because he doesn't fit in with the other bees, Buzzy packs up his suitcase with gum drops and goes out into the world. He meets a lightning bug who laughs at him when Buzzy says he can only make gum drops. He meets a lady bug who forgets her own problems when Buzzy tells her he makes gum drops, and she too laughs at him. Buzzy feels hopeless and tries to sleep rather than have to tell his story and get laughed at one more time. Then he meets a beetle. The beetle doesn't laugh. He asks Buzzy questions and listens attentively. Finally he asks to taste the gum drops, and exclaims that they are very good. He asks Buzzy if the other bees can make gum drops. Buzzy says no, and suddenly he understands that even though he is different, he has something special to offer. He goes back to the hive to share his discovery with the other bees and live happily in his hive.