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Book details
  • SubGenre:Decision-Making & Problem Solving
  • Language:English
  • Pages:146
  • eBook ISBN:9781942451143

Breaking Conformity

Failure, Performance, Goals, And Dreams

by Arthur Greeno and Bryan Smith

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One of the leadership concepts we discuss often at Chick-fil-A is the importance of innovative nuances. We know that in order to remain leaders in our industry, we have to maintain our core values while constantly looking for new and better ways to serve our customers. In other words, we have to learn how to embrace both timelessness and timeliness. As Arthur and Bryan illustrate in Breaking Conformity, it’s not as difficult as it sounds, as long as you remain loyal to the truth and committed to growth. Dan T. Cathy, Chairman & CEO of Chick-fil-A This is a powerful book that delivers an inspiring and unique approach on how to achieve success in the world of business. If you are looking for a book that will engage, inspire and educate you on how to become the best business person you can be, this book is for you! Clayton Clark U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year | Founder of Thrive15.com Bryan and Arthur are real-world examples of individuals who started with nothing and have become highly successful the old-fashioned way. 'Breaking Conformity' tells it like it is, and along the way, provides the reader with great advice and the reality check we all need. Sean Kouplen Chairman and CEO, Regent Bank I have read just about every “must read” business book that goes to press. “Breaking Conformity.”proves that businesses don’t have to align their strategy with the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and habits of the competition. Teresa Knox Owner, Community Care College
The best way to communicate and to educate as well as help people see the truth is storytelling. Walt Disney one of the best storytellers ever knew this simple concept from the very beginning when he first dreamed up his first animated character, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit which he lost the rights to because of some unexpected legal problems he had not anticipated. Even after losing the rights to Oswald, Walt went on to create Mickey Mouse because he knew the secret of success is to never, never, never give up. The rest is history. Breaking Conformity is a fantastic story that will educate you to understand why you should not believe or accept many common myths at face value and will also teach you how to make simple myths come true if you also do the hard work that follows many simple statements that makes up some of the most popular myths in business today. Breaking Conformity will teach you the recipe for success through very effective storytelling. To be successful and to achieve your goals you need to know the whole story about how successful people get more done that other people and how they focus on the details and never quit learning. In fact the most successful people never quit anything that they really want. They know that everything is hard before it is easy. They know that if they quit, they have lost for sure. You never lose until you give up and quit, no matter how long it takes. Another important point in this book is to give you a clear understanding on the power of seeking assistance and help with your goals and dreams. You personally don’t have to know how to accomplish everything. You can’t be an expert in everything. The world is just too complex. Successful people know the value of helping others and also seeking help. The difference between a dream and a nightmare is in your head. If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t. Leaders are readers. Don’t read this book, study it and reflect on how you need to stop believing every myth and start believing in yourself and that is no myth. Lee Cockerell Former Executive Vice President, Walt Disney World® Resort
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