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Book details
  • SubGenre:Library & Information Science / School Media
  • Language:Japanese
  • Series title:BOEKI-Chapters-Series
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:68
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543992687

BOEKI-Chapters-Series-#002, Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

by Tadao Miyashita

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This book is the first, the writer thinks, in foreign-languages-understanding-field. It is written every page '2-Languages-A-Page' method, that must be very new and better way, for not only for the Japanese but for the people of other countries also. Audiobooks, especially in English versions, are now quite popular in the world, but, for the people other than the English-Frequent peoples this kind of books are very useful and the similar sort of writers will increase much internationally.------ 少しだけ、日本語で(書きこんでよろしいでしょう!)――、この表紙の写真を撮った場所で―正確には700メートルほど東(ひがし)の宮川という川のわり合い近くでしたー75年前の少年時代に、あの惨憺たる戦争のあと、戦後も引き続き惨憺たるものでしたが、少年時代を過ごし、――――辛かったなあ――――いま、EA ポーさんと出会って(このオン・デマンド・プリント社とも出会って――感謝!)、写真の八ヶ岳の山上に勢いよく立ち上って見られる雲のように、――――そのように想い出も湧き上がってきて――――、いろいろ想い始めています。――遠い、遠い、夢の日。あの日があったのだ、あの日々があったのだ。ああ――。また、書き加えます、書きます、またね。ーーシー・ユウーーSee You Soon. ――――タドン舞屋


Tadao has written many books in the international practical business field. For example, "Yushutsunyu-Gaikokukawase-Jitsumujiten(Nihon-Jitsugyo-Shuppansha)" "Eibun-Meisaku-Choyaku-1,-2,-3(Sanshusha-Shuppan)" are still popular in Japan. He at present is creating one of small-publishing-peoples-group named 'Around-Yatsugatake-Highlanders-Sekai-Shuppan' ,those new type of publishers will be very active and be welcomed by every corner on the earth, T.M believes.

About the author

Tadao Miyashita, aka Tadn Miya ( タドン 舞屋 ), runs Audiobook-Choyaku-Club-Tokyo, -Around-Yatsugatake-Highlanders-Sekai-Shuppan-, Kabusikikaisha BOEKI, Inc., Chofu, Tokyo, and interested in making many worldly small-sized self-publishing companies in Japan and the rest of the world, who also interested in publishing '2-Languages-A-Page' books and booklets.