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Book details
  • Genre:COOKING
  • SubGenre:Beverages / Alcoholic / Bartending & Cocktails
  • Language:English
  • Pages:222
  • eBook ISBN:9781623098698

Bloody Marys

Sanguine Solutions for a Slew of Situations

by Judy Bennett

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No matter what kind of day you've had or what kind of night you have planned, there's a Bloody Mary to match your mood. From recipes to trivia to advice for any Bloody occasion, you'll learn HOW to make 45 different versions of the Bloody Mary, but more importantly, WHY. Planning a baby shower? A booty call? Revenge? A Bloody Mary is exactly what you need...and this book will help you make sure it's the right one for the job.
Serving up: • 45 distinct Bloody Mary recipes/personalities • More than 50 vintage photographs • Dazzling Bloody Mary wisdom, trivia, and urban legends • Real-life Bloody Marys, past and present No matter what kind of day you’ve had or what kind of night you have planned, there’s a Bloody Mary to match your mood. From recipes to trivia to advice for any Bloody occasion, you'll learn HOW to make 45 different versions of the Bloody Mary, but more importantly, WHY. Planning a baby shower? A booty call? Revenge? A Bloody Mary is exactly what you need...and this book will help you make sure it's the right one for the job. Plus, you will get to hone your cocktology skills alongside the mothers of the masterpiece—the women of yesteryear who knew: the kiss of tomato on a clean, white apron means a good time is just around the corner.
About the author
Judy Bennett has been called "screamingly funny" and "the Erma Bombeck of booze." In her book, Bloody Marys: Sanguine Solutions for a Slew of Situations, she instructs not only how to make 45 of the most unique and delicious Bloody Marys you've ever seen, but why to make them as well. She claims there is a Bloody Mary for any occasion, be it watching calories, watching a sunset, or watching porn. When Judy isn't behind the bar, she is probably a) organizing her 110-pair shoe collection; b) selling vintage swimwear on her site, www.thousandislanddressing.net; c) performing burlesque under her stage name, Nadia Nice; or d) teaching wellness seminars for those who lead crazy, busy, boozy lives like hers. Bloody Marys made the Oregonian's 2012 list, "100 Things We Love." Twice.