Have you ever wanted to be in the service industry, wanting to work on your customer service skills, or just wanting to improve yourself ? The author of Behind the Chair takes you on a journey through experiences and a perspective that will encourage you to look at life in general with a renewed mindset. With 30 plus years of service industry under his belt the author becomes vulnerable in the hopes to bring a new found definition of the way you look at or view the industry as well as life. For those who are looking for a template/ guide to enhance, rebuild, and motivate one's walk in life; the reflections and personal stories he shares will surely change the way you approach your business and how you see yourself. After reading this book you will walk a way feeling renewed and reconnected to your purpose.
Behind the Chair is a book about customer service and the tools needed to be successful from a barbers perspective. Defining key elements of service and qualities to develop as a server. Treating others how you want to be treated points out other tools of service. You will be encourage to list what you want all while laughing at some stories via life real barbershop experiences. Also learing who a barber is and what a barber does. Ultimately, "just to get you thinking" helps as a fast track to get you started.