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Book details
  • SubGenre:Constitutions
  • Language:English
  • Pages:364
  • eBook ISBN:9781667854021

Behind the Bill of Rights

Timeless Principles that Make It Tick

by Bill Norton and Jeremy Nelson

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Behind the Bill of Rights uncovers the timeless principles that make the Bill of Rights tick. The authors reveal lost meanings, elaborate on new understandings, and bring to light many fundamentals that have been overlooked for decades.

The principles behind the "Bill of Rights" have helped elevate human civilization to a level of liberty never seen in history. The American experiment inspired the spread of written constitutions and declarations of rights throughout the world, which has raised billions out of poverty, chaos, and oppression. However, without understanding the principles behind the Bill of Rights, all nations, including our own, continue to struggle.

Behind the Bill of Rights uncovers the timeless principles that make the Bill of Rights tick. The authors reveal lost meanings, elaborate on new understandings, and bring to light many fundamentals that have been overlooked for decades.

You will discover hidden gems that will invigorate your mind. For example:

  • The paradox of tolerance
  • The mindset that leads to slavery
  • The voting rights timeline you never knew
  • Religious freedom: both sides are right-and wrong
  • The Third Amendment is a pattern for all laws, not just the quartering of troops
  • The fascinating history of the jury & how it protects us
  • The lost meaning of the Ninth Amendment
  • And much more

Knowing these principles will give you a profound appreciation for the genius of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, and a greater ability to protect your own rights.

About the author
Bill Norton is a public speaker and author on the fundamental, natural law principles of liberty and the U.S. Constitution. He has co-authored three books, The Miracle of America: Birth of a Nation, Speaking the Language of Liberty, and Behind the Bill of Rights: Timeless Principles that Make it Tick. He has been working with the National Center for Constitutional Studies, or NCCS, since 2008 updating educational material on the Constitution. He is a presenter for the organization, presenting NCCS's Making of America seminar in more than 40 states. He is the former chairman of the Arizona State Constitutional Commemoration Committee, and the co-founder of Constitution Week USA, which was the largest celebration on the Constitution in the nation. He is a recipient of the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. Bill is currently employed writing civics curriculum as a Visiting Scholar at Bellevue University, is a member of the Board of Directors for the Center for Self Governance, and has owned and operated a contracting company in Arizona for over 30 years.

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