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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Christian / Historical
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Before They Awaken
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:484
  • eBook ISBN:9798350935943
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350922332

Before They Awaken

King David's Lost Crown

by Robert S Wright

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Before They Awaken, King David's Lost Crown, details the journey of a man bound in the chains of religious superstition and dogma to the very threshold of enlightenment. It is also a geographical journey, from Israel to Parthia as a slave, then back to Israel as a prince, eventually becoming one of the twelve disciples of Christ.


Twenty years in the making, from the author of "Rugged Mercy, a Country Doctor in Idaho's Sun Valley," comes a novel of the Christ Child, heavily researched for geographical, historical, and theological accuracy. Jason Richardson of Christian Books Today called it "brilliant stuff," and referred to it as being in the top 1%. Surprises and twists and turns abound in this historical mystery about the search for the solid gold crown worn by King David, an artifact possessing the power of the ancients, power to grant the bearer ultimate supremacy, power to rule the world, if that be the wish. Before Thery Awaken is a novel depicting the journey we all make, knowing of it or not, from the chains of superstition and dogma to the very threshold of enlightenment.

About the author

Author Bio: Robert S Wright has been a student of history and comparative religion for all his life, beginning with his years at the University of Idaho in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Philosophy and Religion. It was there that he discovered that theology and science do not necessarily conflict with one another, if viewed through the proper lens. His research over the years has been exhaustive, and has included religious texts from modern to ancient, from Biblical to Far Eastern. Over the years he has been a youth group leader, a ski racer, and a journalist and newscaster, in a career that has spanned over five decades. He is currently a real estate broker and investor in Seattle and a private pilot.