In the last ten years, the Inland Bearded Dragon has become an incredible herpetocultural success story. Like other popular pet species such as the Leopard Gecko, the Crested Gecko, the Ball Python, the Cornsnake, and a few others, it is now being bred in such numbers that it is being genetically manipulated for color, temperament, and even size. “Blood Red”, “High Orange”, “Peach”, Tiger-striped”, “Hypomelanistic”, “Lemon Yellow”, “Snow”, and other color morphs are being produced by dragon breeders worldwide.
Bearded Dragons hatch out at 3” to 4” and grow quickly, many reaching sexual maturity as early as one year old. They tame down well and will often sit lazily on a keeper’s lap or on a sunny window sill of a watchful keeper’s home, content that their place in the lives of of reptile fanatics is enduring.
Bearded Dragons in Captivity provides keepers with information on all aspects of captive care including housing, feeding, breeding, incubation of eggs, and care of young dragons. A wide array of fascinating Bearded Dragons is presented in beautiful detail in the photo gallery. Also included in this exciting new book are sections on the captive care of Rankin’s Dragons and one of the most spectacular dragons in captivity - Chlamydosaurus kingii, the Frilled Dragon.