Want to take your career to another level? Achieve greater success in a world where the competition for a fast track route to success is fierce? Roy Osing’s 30+ years in business taught him one simple truth: if you are not DiFFERENT, if you are not unique, if you don't stand-out from the crowd, you won't get noticed. You will be ignored. You will be “white noise”. You will blend into the background. You will fall short of what you expect of yourself. It's as simple as that. This book will show you how to stand-out, not fit-in. Yes, education is important. And a proven track record of achievement. But it's not enough. The Herd looking to get ahead is replete with well educated, accomplished people who are dissatisfied with their career. You need to be MORE than a smart individual who has done stuff. You need to BE DiFFERENT. You need to have a unique brand. You need to be The ONLY one who does what you do. Roy’s Book will help you stand-out rather than fit-in. You will learn the simple, practical things Roy did to make his mark in fast-paced, technology driven, intensely competitive businesses. Where many people coveted the same leadership positions. Where personal rivalry was deep. Where hand-to-hand combat for advancement was an everyday occurrence. To survive and advance his career, Roy had to develop such winning concepts as The ONLY Statement for YOU!, Muzzle the Ego Beast, Personal $Currency Boosters, The Career Game Plan, Side of the Angels, Line of Sight Leadership, Do-Not-Be-Surprised Tactics, Target the WHO and The Magic Question. Learn from Roy’s innovative career winning approaches and his personal experiences. They are DiFFERENT. They are proven. They will work for YOU! Let Roy be your coach, guide and mentor. You won't regret it.