It is my contention that Christianity is not a religion, but a personal, love relationship with the only true, living God. Therefore, God’s word, the Bible, is also about relationship.
God created the universe and everything in it. As creator, He has the authority to determine how it operates. His universe, His rules. We humans do not get to tell God how to run His universe.
God established the rules that define sin and established the penalty for breaking those rules––eternal death. He also defined how rule-breakers, humans, could be pardoned––only through the shedding of blood. The amazing thing is that God did not exempt Himself from His own rules. Rather, He chose to cover our sin by becoming, through Jesus, a human Himself so that He could shed His infinite blood to pay the price for humanity’s sin and satisfy His justice. He chose to put Himself where we humans deserved to be. This is how God demonstrated His great love for us.
On the front cover of this book is a figure that depicts the empty cross of Jesus on Golgotha hill. It is a symbol of that sacrifice, of just how far God is willing to go to establish a personal relationship with each and every person whom He created.
And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth (John 17:3).
How does a person come to “know” God? What does that relationship look like in our daily human experience? What does a personal relationship with God entail? Furthermore, looking at this issue in a broader context, what are the answers to the questions, How does Christianity work? and What makes Christianity go? I have used analytical tools, developed from my training as an engineer, to examine and answer these questions.
So, what is this book about? Simply stated, it’s about having a personal relationship with God in this crazy, messed-up world we live in.