Mid-Eleventh Century, Hungary: Young Margaret's world falls apart when her father, Edward the Exile, is called to England to be the successor of King Edward the Confessor. Margaret's simple dream of becoming a nun at the nearby abbey is dashed as her family leaves the only home she's ever known for a strange new country. In England, historical events continue to thwart her deepest desires. Margaret must decide what kind of woman she'll become and how she'll face her destiny. A chance meeting with Malcolm III, King of Scots, begins a change of heart, but history isn't finished with her yet.
Book One in a trilogy about a remarkable woman: The Story of Queen Margaret of Scotland.
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The story of Queen Margaret begins in Hungary, where she and her family are happily living in exile. But, the eleven-year-old Margaret is stunned when her father, Edward the Exile, is called to England as the designated successor of King Edward the Confessor. While her father's fondest dream is becoming a reality, Margaret's deepest dreams are dashed. She is devastated to leave behind not only the abbey where she was to become a nun, but also southern Hungary's Castle Reka, the only home she's ever known. The family travels across Europe and the Holy Roman Empire, encountering danger and illness. Margaret grapples with her new identity. She resists her destiny, clinging to her dreams. But history isn't finished with her yet. It continually buffets her about, thwarting her desires. The beautiful young girl must decide what kind of woman she'll become. But first, she has to embrace her destiny. A chance meeting with Malcolm III, King of Scots, begins a change of heart. But history isn't finished with Margaret of Wessex yet. Book One in a trilogy about a remarkable woman, mother, queen and saint: The Story of Queen Margaret of Scotland.
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About the author
Lisa Di Vita has been published in Los Angeles newspapers, the LA Press Club magazine as well as writing features for the Los Angeles Dodgers Game Day magazine. As a radio sportscaster, she wrote editorials and interviewed athletes from all sports. She was a boxing color commentator, broadcast regularly from Dodger Stadium and was elected the first female president of the Southern California Sports Broadcasters. She's given many speeches, on topics ranging from Abraham Lincoln to inspirational talks.
Before focusing on writing, Di Vita was an actress, performing in theaters including the Mark Taper Forum, the Ahmanson, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and the Shubert Theater.
Her first book, "Shattered Peacock," is set during the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
"As a Deer Yearns for Running Streams," her second book, is the first of a trilogy set in the eleventh century. It follows the life of Margaret, Queen of Scotland, who lived during an historically calamitous era. A complex woman, she led a remarkably selfless life and was made a saint in 1250.
Lisa and her husband, Chuck, now live in Arkansas.
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