The faster, easier way to learn Arabic alphabet writing system. As it illustrates - in an invented way- how to read, write the basic shapes of the letter and how to join them to form Arabic words. It offers plenty of exercises and examples, introduces readers to his / her first commonly used Arabic words and how to pronounce them properly. With a FREE companion website More than 2000 printable flashcards with audio to help you to learn Arabic conversation from the beginning, half of those 2000 flashcards are with transliteration for those people who haven't mastered their Arabic alphabet yet. Just 20% of the words in a language make up to 80% of the conversations we face in our daily life. After learning 20% of the Arabic words, you may not be able to speak like a native immediately, but you'll have a solid base and the ability to keep improving and developing yourself. This method is suitable for everyone from frequent travelers to first timers, language students and enthusiasts. This book focuses on the vital 20% of the Arabic words that will help you to speak Arabic interactively and dynamically. Transliteration From the beginning of this book- even before learning Arabic alphabet- you will be introduced to the basics of speaking and pronunciation using a simple format that allows everyone to speak Arabic in a natural way. The book will then continue to develop your new skills by enabling you to understand and heighten your ability to read, listen to and write this amazing language. This book will teach you the basics of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is the modernization of the Classical Arabic structures, it will also teach you some additional phrases from the main dialects spoken all over the Arab world with culture notes.