Tony Kees is the experienced, approachable, affable, no-nonsense, voice of reason, hard working, energetic, talented, creative, smart, respected, soccer coach / trainer / leader, who cut his teeth in the trenches of the youth soccer scene since 1982. It’s about time the venerable coach wrote a book that would benefit young soccer players!
Tony has been a thought leader, visionary, change agent and mentor to so many players, coaches and organizations. Among his many strengths, though, and by far his best attribute is the depth of caring, understanding and compassion for the players in front of him, as well as that rare ability to connect with players at every age. If you watch him work, you can see his ‘connection before content’ approach. Underpinning all of this, of course is his background in education. Once upon a time TK was an art teacher, and a good one. He understands how children learn and has brought that out to the field with him. His creative nature has always made things fun, challenging and interesting for his players!
Besides Tony’s team coaching, he has worked individually with many of Illinois’ top players in personal settings, gaining valuable experience in working with the mind of elite athletes. In recent years, he has been involved in a side project where he is Co-owner of Step Ahead Sports Soccer Center Of Excellence, specializing in Futsal and Sports Performance (SAQ and Technical Training). This human performance laboratory has given him a high tech home for his over-the-top performance training.
What gets TK out of bed every morning? “Two things,” he says, “1) to put myself squarely in the asset column of life every day, and 2) to make a difference in someone’s life.”
This book has that written all over it!