The A.I. managing Argentina’s economy is called Amigo. By 2097 it has been in operation for around 50 years, and has transformed Argentina from an economic basket case into one of the wealthiest countries on earth. Amid political intrigue, assassinations, black ops, high tech battles and romance, Amigo itself is acting strangely. Foreign actors ranging from China, Iran and the United States, to the Vatican and the secretive, re-emergent, Hassassins, involve themselves, covertly taking sides, as the beautiful assistant to the creator of Amigo Martina Schwenke and the unassuming programmer and hacker Juan Firenze, face deadly peril, with the fate of capitalism and the world itself at stake. A.M.I.G.O. presents such a realistic and alluring alternative to free market capitalism that it may leave you wondering, “why not?”