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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Adult Children of Substance Abusers
  • Language:English
  • Pages:224
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543951028

American Overdose

America's Opioid Crisis

by Kent Phillips BS. MS. MSAC

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AMERICAN OVERDOSE is a frank and honest journey into the World of addiction in America. The suppliers, the culture, the treatment industry and the impact on our families are all presented. This is the ideal "what to do" manual for those dealing with a loved one in addiction. OVERDOSE goes beyond the clinical, and views the reality of the power of addiction, and the failures of our government, police, society, schools, and institutions to address the most dangerous challenge of our culture. To compound the tragedy of Addiction, families that "discover" a member or loved one is afflicted experience a terrifying sense of isolation, fear, and loneliness. AMERICAN OVERDOSE is the ideal book for those in crisis and provides what to expect, what to accept and what to do. AMERICAN OVERDOSE is a handbook for dealing with Addiction.
repeat above. then add. AMERICAN OVERDOSE is a trilogy of three separate books. The first book, American Overdose, addresses the growth and reasons for our youth being targeted for hard drugs, in the rural and suburban communities. No longer are dangerous drugs sold just in the inner cities, the dealers realize that there is more money outside of the city, They are coming your way. The second book TREATMENT TALK, reveals the treatment industry and provides some views as to what type of treatment experience might be best for your loved one. Remember, treatment is a major money-making industry, with mixed results and outcomes. This portion of the book also discusses FREE treatment protocols and services as well. The third book is called KILLING FAMILY. This segment is an up-close view of how addiction impacts the family, the family dynamics, and how to avoid family disintegration when addiction comes to visit.
About the author
Kent Phillips is a lifelong contributor to addiction recovery. Thirty Years experience in Alcoholics Anonymous, a Masters of Science in Addiction Counseling, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Behavior Health. This new trilogy, AMERICAN OVERDOSE, is an overview and summary opinion work of the current critical state of Addiction in America. The book is a dramatic view of the failures of our society, government, schools, and treatment centers to address a drug invasion targeting the youth of America. The drug culture, the treatment industry, communities and family impact are revealed to anyone with the courage to read this book. Mr. Phillips lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife of 45 years, and nearby, his two sons, daughter in law and two granddaughters. He is currently on the treatment staff at Crossroads Recovery, and also acts as a protocol consultant for multiple treatment centers throughout the USA. He was the former founder and CEO of Databank USA, a nationally recognized research and development firm.