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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Psychological
  • Language:Spanish
  • Series title:Américo Prakak
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:380
  • eBook ISBN:9781098394530
  • Paperback ISBN:9781098384821

Américo Prakak y el Artífice de su Tormento

by Cliff Maksushimat

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Americo Prakak is sadly a familiar story reflecting the reality of children once molested, abused, violated, and raped. Yet, the story of Americo Prakak also offers hope that such a past is neither prologue nor immutable destiny.
This book is the last of the Americo Prakak duology. In the first, the protagonist is a dislikable, malicious character. In the second, he is better understood, though not transformed, as his suffering and pain evoke our empathy. Here, truths are revealed and his torment explained. His survival we know was not guaranteed. This story offers an explanation of those antecedents and depicts how we might move past our historical hurts. From this perspective, how different a world can seem. Americo Prakak is sadly a familiar story reflecting the reality of those children once molested, abused, violated, and raped. Yet, the story of Americo Prakak also offers hope that such a past is neither prologue nor immutable destiny. Americo's survival shows a path forward, a way to overcome the weight of such horrific trauma. On that horizon looms a new beginning and a new future.
About the author
CLIFF MAKSUSHIMAT is an American writer who continues to reside in the City of Los Angeles where he pursues sundry artistic activities of which, foremost, his passion remains writing. Characteristically, he focuses his writing on stories of human suffering, a particular and distinctive theme of his novels. His other avocations span opera, cinema, concerts, community activism and global traveling. Remarkably to date, Cliff has visited more than 100 countries, and among his favorites are France ( a country he visits twice a year), Japan, the England, China, Egypt, Vietnam, Australia, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Germany, Peru, and of course, lovely Mexico. Whether through the support of a publisher or via self-publishing, Cliff will continue to present his manuscripts to his devoted readers and general audience for their consideration and enjoyment.