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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Pages:60
  • eBook ISBN:9781483536194

After the Wrecking Ball

Ten Principles for Finding Peace Amidst Conflict

by Lynn Christine Fuentes

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After her life fell apart in l995, the author "received" ten spiritual principles that guided her to develop a new and thrilling life. This book describes how these principles can work in our lives and how to use them to create abundance, joy, happy relationships, and peace.


In l995, the author, a lawyer and college professor, found herself sitting alone on a hilltop in Arizona wondering where her life had gone. "There seemed to be no way to manage the multiple challenges in my life. I wavered between stoicism and misery, between self blame and internal, and occasionally external, rants at fate and those “others” whose actions had created my painful situation, and between sudden leaps into action designed to solve my problems and collapses into helplessness. But nothing worked." However, over the next two years she began to receive, every few months, a new guiding principle around which she could orient her life and rebuild it. Gradually, as she began to change her way of seeing, her external life changed, too. What were once intractable conflicts faded away. Where life seemed a struggle, it shifted into flow. Where devastation had reigned, creation became the order of the day.

About the author

Lynn Fuentes has pursued a path of personal and spiritual growth for many years in conjunction with a varied career as a lawyer, mediator, journalist and university professor. She received her B.A. from the University of Michigan, her M.A. from Prescott College, her J.D. from George Washington University, and her Ph.D. from the Union Institute and University. Currently, Lynn and her husband own and manage their company, Transformation Teaching, LLC, which offers personal and spiritual growth coaching, courses, and related resources. Prior to starting the company, she designed and taught courses in conflict management, chronic illness, adult psychology, and writing at Prescott College and DePaul University, where she also founded and directed the Chronic Illness Initiative, a unique program to help chronically ill students obtain a college education. Dr. Fuentes also serves on the board of the Solve ME/CFS Initiative. She has two grown children and lives in Dallas with her husband, Jose Ricardo Fuentes, and very old cat, Sophie.