Advent/Christmas Reading Reflections is geared to small groups or individuals looking to prepare for the Sunday Masses during the Advent and Christmas Liturgical seasons. Each week's readings within all three Liturgical Years A,B,C are identified. A short reflection is also provided to stimulate conversation within the group or for the individual's own contemplation.
I envision that you could use this book on your own to prepare for Mass but I think it would be better if you can gather with even just a couple of friends. "wherever two or more are gathered in my name there I shall be!" – Matthew 18:20
I would suggest that Jesus is with you too even when you are alone with your Bible but always nice to share our faith with others!
The groups that I facilitate, typically have an hour time limit which usually is enough time. Sometimes we go over, but I really tried to keep it within an hour to respect everyone's time.
We open the meeting with prayer and then begin reading the scriptures listed for the day you are studying. You will see them just under the title of the section for that weekend. I list the first reading from the Old Testament, the Psalm, the second reading from the New Testament and the Gospel for that particular Sunday.
If you are in a group, pick a person to read the scripture aloud. Ideally, you would have a different person read aloud for the other readings.
What follows is my thoughts on what the readings were saying to me when I wrote them. You may agree or disagree with what I have and that is more than okay! The idea is to get YOU thinking about what they are saying to you and your group.
I have included a blank page after my reflections for you to write your own ideas. You could write it in paragraph form as I did or simply put in some bullets or key points that you'd like to remember.
What is nice about doing that is the next time the Liturgical year comes along in three years you can see what you thought back then and see if you still feel the same or hopefully maybe you have grown and have a new direction for the readings and your life!
Either way I hope you find this book useful, and you come to know God, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit a little more intimately. That is what it's all about! God bless you and your small group!