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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Eschatology
  • Language:English
  • Pages:210
  • eBook ISBN:9781937501105

AD 70: A Shadow of the "Real" End?

by Don K. Preston D. Div.

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Evangelicals are increasingly recognizing the importance of the end of the age judgment of Old Covenant Jerusalem in AD 70. However, to maintain a futurist eschatology, they resort to saying that those events merely foreshadowed the "real" end, the end of human history. In this book, Preston definitively refutes that theory. There is not another book like this, anywhere!
There is an increasing awareness in Evangelical Christianity of the tremendous redemptive-eschatological significance of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. That event is no longer being seen as simply the destruction of the Jewish capital. It is becoming more and more clear that the fall of that city had tremendous spiritual importance. In spite of this growing awareness and appreciation of the events of AD 70, it is increasingly common, especially in the Amillennial and Postmillennial world, to claim that the end of the age judgment in AD 70 was a type of the real “end of the world.” This idea has become increasingly popular since the advocates of Covenant Eschatology, i.e. full preterism. Very clearly, if the “AD 70 was a type of the real end” hermeneutic and claim is false, then Amillennialism and Postmillennialism– not to mention Dispensationalism-- are falsified. if the futurist schools cannot prove, with solid exegetical support, that the events of AD 70 were typological of another true end of the age, then in reality, all futurist eschatologies fail. If AD 70 was not a foreshadowing of another eschaton, then the AD 70 parousia and end of the age must have been the “real one.” This book, the only one of its kind ever produced, proves beyond doubt that AD 70 was not typological. It did not point to another end of the age, or another coming of the Lord. This book slams the door shut on all futurist eschatologies! It is truly a "game changer!"
About the author
President of Preterist Research Institute, a non-profit institute dedicated to the positive proclamation of the good news that we are not in the last days, and the world is not just about to end. Minister for the Ardmore Family of God (formerly the Ardmore church of Christ) for 16 years. Sponsor and Host of an annual conference known as the Preterist Pilgrim Weekend, held every July at the Ardmore Convention center, in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Conducts numerous seminars and debates around the world. Preston has engaged in formal debate with some of the leading evangelicals of the day, including James Jordan, Joel McDurmon (last July, in Ardmore) C. Marvin Pate, David Englesma, Harold Hoehner, Randall Price, Thomas Ice and others. Co-host with William Bell of Memphis, Tn. of a popular Internet radio program called, “Two Guys and the Bible,” which airs each Tuesday evening at 6 PM central time, at www.AD70.net. Also appears on various radio shows. Preston also owns three websites: www.eschatology.org, www.bibleprophecy.com, and www.donkpreston.com. Author of 20 books on preterist (fulfilled) eschatology. Included is, We Shall Meet Him In The Air: The Wedding of the King of kings, 450+ pages, which is the first and only commentary on 1 Thessalonians 4:13f, written from the preterist perspective. The book is causing a good deal of interest and excitement in the Christian community. Preston’s book Who Is This Babylon, has been positively peer reviewed, and received a positive review in the official publication of the Russian Academy of Science. This book has been called “ground-breaking” by some reviewers. Preston received the Doctor of Divinity degree from Vision International University of Romana, California, in June of 2010.