The look into the hierarchical military colonial exploitation, and the ghettoising of different people in the world, and the hegemony of the porkey sick Europeans, who tyranically impose themselves upon the world, through spells and witchcraft and Ariel's star wars defense for the white people, which means in this white man's world, only white people exceed, in the artificial parameters, and their usurious banking cartel, leading to wars financed on both sides, hypocrisy and lies, and the use of the divide and rule, to lead to chaos and to distort God's creation, by enslavement and making the blacks do all the work, while the white supremacists profit from evil.
One world empire or Promise Land
Greedy warrior pigs or Generous Submitter Kings
Many gods or One God
Anal bastards or horny cunts
Hierarchical military or cyclical farmers
Soulless vampires or soul survivors
Feeding on the blood of humans, or killed with poison
White man's world, or Muslim world
Regrets or thanks
Probability of fiction or certainty of fact
New world order or Kingdom of God
Porkey or Paki
A Submitter