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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / Success
  • Language:English
  • Series title:A Tour Thru London
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:208
  • eBook ISBN:9781483510309

A Tour Thru London pt,2

Dear God if You Are Listening

by Sheneka Lawrence and London Destine

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A Tour Thru London is based on a true story about the life of London Destine. London Destine is a teenager, who looses her mother at a very young age. After her mother dies, she finds herself searching for love in all the wrong places. She becomes involved with the wrong crowd and it ultimately shapes her demise! This is a story about life, love, redemption and hope.
A Tour Thru London is based on a true story about the life of London Destine. London Destine is a teenager, who looses her mother at a very young age. After her mother dies, she finds herself searching for love in all the wrong places. She becomes involved with the wrong crowd and it ultimately shapes her demise! This is a story about life, love, redemption and hope.
About the author
Everything that I’ve ever accomplished in life I had to first visualize it. I saw myself graduating from ​ high school, college, getting married, having a successful career and writing a novel that would one day create a new trajectory for my life and also transform history! A blind woman once said, “ It is a terrible thing to see, and still have no vision”. God once said, “ write the vision, and make it plain.” Everything that I am and will ever be is because Jesus loves me. Without God, I am nothing, and I am eternally grateful for the ideas that he has birthed within me. Everywhere I’ve been, it’s because God wanted me to go, and everywhere I am going, He is taking me. A good friend once told me, “If you can’t part the Red Sea, or walk on water, then, you can’t stop me from doing anything in life. As a child, my parents were big on education. They were also happy with who we were, and wanted us to be happy in our own skin. They pushed us to the limit and would not accept mediocrity or failure. They wanted us to be the best we could be, and I was equally determined to prove myself. They worked hard to give us what we needed and they loved us unconditionally. I grew up in a very stable environment. I had everything I needed as a child, and most of what any little girl my age wished for. I didn’t have designer clothes and shoes, but, I had the greatest amount of love that money couldn’t buy. My fondest memories take me back to our circular wooden table, where my father would grace the food my mother prepared, and we all ate together and discussed our day, our dreams and hopes. My dad labored on the construction site from early morning till late at night. While my mom performed her wifely duties; she wasn't a lawyer and he was no doctor, but, we were still the Huxtables! I had the best family any little girl could want. I wanted to make my parents proud for everything they did for me, so I pushed myself to the zenith. Growing up, I had the ability to walk into a room and make a crowd laugh. My jokes were always funny​ and heart felt. It is a natural gift that God has instilled in me. I was always known for having a wild imagination, and could embellish a story at the drop of a dime. I was creative and my imagination ran as far as the Nile River. My classmates always requested my assistance in writing their papers in college, or to assist them with anything pertaining to writing. I appreciated their confidence in me and it built my self confidence to the point where it propelled me into becoming the writer I am today. I majored in English and developed a passion for creative writing, literature and theatrics. I wanted to act and write movies, plays and see my work one day on the “big screen”, but, God had other plans for me. Upon graduating college, I became a teacher--teaching English and Literature and then, I furthered my studies and received my Master's in English. A few months later, I achieved my consummate goal;pursuing my Ph.D, because I am determined to be successful, and resolute to be the best. After enjoying all of my educational pursuits and my writing accomplishments, I finally settled down, married the man of my dreams, my best friend, confidante and mentor. The life I imagined and dreamed of finally came into fruition. God has been good to me; I have no complaints! Before I was a writer, I was a dreamer, and before that, a visionary. I saw it, dreamed it, and it all happened. Now,I am living it!