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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Ancient
  • Language:English
  • Pages:400
  • eBook ISBN:9781483584263
  • Paperback ISBN:9781483584256

A Tombstone as My Crown Fool a King, King a Fool

by Gregory Bell

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The Proposal I wrote the book to provide awareness unto glaring sociological issues. I looked into my life and I saw a lot of mistakes. I made mistakes due to my lack of comprehension. I feel a person should be accountable for his or her actions. I found that society has placed obstacles that hinder and do not contribute to the development of the human being. Thus, the human has to adapt to the confusion called changing conditions. I know that life is a struggle that can only be conquered with effort. The greater the effort one applies can dictate his or her outcome in life. I want my book to simply say “This is not the way, but there is a way” And I wanted my book to say even if you have to make a way out of no way. I have ventured the earth for 25 years consumed by the demonic drug crack cocaine. It devastated my life. I was sexually abused as a child and raped with a knockout drug more than once. So, homosexuality was placed over my mind as well. It devastated my mind and my life. In this book I reveal how writing this book healed my life. It grieves me that I am only now finally ready to do the will of GOD in my life. The blessing GOD gave me meaning my wife showing me love. Her demonstration was about the love GOD gave humans. The demonstration I exhibited made my pain salivate drooling destruction all over the smoothness of her love. She showed me the proper way to love GOD. I must be Kamikaze in the attainment of GOD love and favor. I find the love of GOD in my writing of this book. This helped me to rediscover my lost concept of love. And that is the theme of my book how I discovered how to love myself and everything that is important related to my existence. I had to rekindle the passion. I once felt as a youth to understand the illustrious history of the black man and woman as they related to God. This book reveals some of the wisdom and knowledge I found. I then reasoned unto myself if I can write a good book about my life and the truth about God wi
The Proposal I wrote the book to provide awareness unto glaring sociological issues. I looked into my life and I saw a lot of mistakes. I made mistakes due to my lack of comprehension. I feel a person should be accountable for his or her actions. I found that society has placed obstacles that hinder and do not contribute to the development of the human being. Thus, the human has to adapt to the confusion called changing conditions. I know that life is a struggle that can only be conquered with effort. The greater the effort one applies can dictate his or her outcome in life. I want my book to simply say “This is not the way, but there is a way” And I wanted my book to say even if you have to make a way out of no way. I have ventured the earth for 25 years consumed by the demonic drug crack cocaine. It devastated my life. I was sexually abused as a child and raped with a knockout drug more than once. So, homosexuality was placed over my mind as well. It devastated my mind and my life. In this book I reveal how writing this book healed my life. It grieves me that I am only now finally ready to do the will of GOD in my life. The blessing GOD gave me meaning my wife showing me love. Her demonstration was about the love GOD gave humans. The demonstration I exhibited made my pain salivate drooling destruction all over the smoothness of her love. She showed me the proper way to love GOD. I must be Kamikaze in the attainment of GOD love and favor. I find the love of GOD in my writing of this book. This helped me to rediscover my lost concept of love. And that is the theme of my book how I discovered how to love myself and everything that is important related to my existence. I had to rekindle the passion. I once felt as a youth to understand the illustrious history of the black man and woman as they related to God. This book reveals some of the wisdom and knowledge I found. I then reasoned unto myself if I can write a good book about my life and the truth about God within the religion called Christianity. Then, just maybe I could get some people talking about these glaring sociological issues. I wanted to relate unto them as how they pertain to God (Christianity). I wanted to illustrate certain facts as they relate to the black man and woman. History indicates they have a special relationship with this religion and that certain key facts have been hidden from sight in plain sight. I also presented my story in a way that embraces all of us to heal from the event that was meant to take away love. I indicate we have been romanticizing slavery. For it was about the destruction of humanity and not the promotion of humanity. I wrote this book at first just wanting to heal, and I wanted to show my descendants that I wasn’t that bad of a guy. I want them to beware of the many perils in life when you don’t include a spiritual relationship with God as the most important aspect of your life. I tried to indicate in my book. That the demonstration Christ performed upon the earth defined love. I know love is what every religion is about. Humankind with me included has been staging our own performances acting like something outside of the meaning of love. I tried to capture the pain a life apart from God can sometimes experience. I wanted to present that I needed the whole message and not a percentage. The pain I went through required me to seek my ancestors in order to heal properly. My manhood and sense of what is a man had been destroyed. So, I show that the truth is not being presented like Christ would want it to be. I feel that the people would actually rule this country If we all came together and loved Christ In the manner he wants: One Church. Firstly, this action would cripple racism and a healing process of an astronomical proportion would begin. I truly believe this action alone can heal the world. And all I have done is to ask the people on the earth to do what is right. I feel like I must reiterate I have only now regained th
About the author
Gregory Bell is 52 y/o. He was married to Daphne Bell for 15 years. They were together for 25 years. She gave him a son. His name is Korey. These details usually indicate a happy and healthy relationship. Both parents had college degrees. They were both highly intelligent adults. This wasn’t the case because of Gregory’s drug addiction. Unbeknown to Daphne Gregory would mistakenly open a door into a corridor that led up at first. Then it would delve him into a bottomless abyss. The abyss of his drug addiction would challenge everything the world had taught them about GOD. She would display courage and a special devotion to him and GOD, maintaining love. The world told her to leave Gregory. For some reason, she stayed until her death parted them in the year 2008. This is the year Gregory briefly awoke to see into the horror, looking at the terror of his pain. The negative underlying elements of America had targeted him for consumption. This is his attempt to connect with GOD.