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Book details
  • SubGenre:Marriage & Long-Term Relationships
  • Language:English
  • Pages:116
  • eBook ISBN:9781667894676
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667894669

A Reckoning

The Reason Black Men and Black Women Cannot Get Married or Stay Married

by Delores Allison

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Although Black Men are known to complain about Black Women, this book explains why no matter who they date or marry, things usually don't work out for Black Men.
Black men have been complaining about black women for decades. They've accused black women of everything - from not being supportive of their wants and desires, to not being feminine - all while not being good protectors or providers. Delores Allison has compiled her research and data to prove that no matter where they go, or who they date and marry, black men continue to fail in their relationships. Although black men spend a disproportionate amount of time complaining about them, the same could not be said for black women. As a matter of fact, black women have much better success rates when they date and marry men of other groups! Who knew? This is a long-awaited topic that will hopefully lead to a much deeper and broader discussion between black men and women.
About the author
Allison is a retired firefighter who proudly served the city of Compton, where she was born and raised. She has been an author since 2016 and released her first book "From Hell to Fire" in 2018. Allison spent all her childhood and most of her adult life in southern California. She and her husband of 25 years have raised two sons together.