From the heart of a mother who cares about the ability of our sons to know who they are, what their purpose is, and how to achieve their innermost desires. Nine black men have contributed stories that paved the way for you to see that you can successfully reach your desired objective, level or goal through effort, skill, hard work, and courage. Take this journey and engage in topics ranging from how to become and serve as a historical role model for today's young black men to identifying your true source of hope that will propel you to grow. While life throws seemingly insurmountable obstacles your way, it is important to remember that many have come before you and many are coming after you who need your story to help encourage them. Being treated unfair and unjust does not determine your success in life. What you have a passion for will propel you to accomplish your purpose, if you don't give up or remain in fear. Identify ways to develop your innermost desires and goals because you are a living model to someone who aspires to be just like you. Younger brothers are going to do exactly what you do in an attempt to be like you. Are you making decisions you want them to imitate? If they made the same choices that you are making would you be proud of them? Explore ways to enhance your life and those who are following in your footsteps. This book will challenge you to grow into a stronger, more emboldened version of yourself. We need you to lead and I look forward to taking this enlightening journey with you through the words I have to share.