It is not polite conversation to bring up death at weddings and dinner parties. So how do you authentically navigate soul-crushing, bone-crumbling, heart-wrenching, asphyxiating grief? You cannot alchemize what you are unwilling to face. So treat this poetry collection like a melancholic music playlist when you are in a place to feel all the feelings that come with someone you love dying. It's written through the lens of losing a child, but with the understanding that fundamentally, grief is universal. While there is no "solution" to grief, being present is the way through and forward.
In "7 Years of Grief," Leann Burch uncovers the truth of how grief actually helps us become more alive. Her writing weaves through the themes of mourning, anxiety, PTSD, asking for signs, numbing ourselves, gentle healing, and ultimately choosing to stay connected with life.