About the author
Edgar Perez - Is a Senior Practice Leader of Cloud Infrastructure Architects @ Amazon Web Services. He supports the AWS Professional Services Business in the United States and Latin America. Edgar has spent more than 28 years in consulting and executive leadership roles for Fortune 100 Companies as well as startups in Silicon Valley. His experience includes leading global Pre-Sales, Support, and Professional Services teams in the Server, Storage, Data Protection, and Cloud markets. Edgar is passionate about building and leading sales and technical teams, and is a leader in the "Male Ally for Women" and "LatinX" affinity groups at Amazon. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of Value Core.ai a leading Silicon Valley start-up that exists to simplify and automate the processes by which teams quantify and deliver value to customers. He was a past Vice President of Technical Services at Pivot3, Cohesity, and Apcera. He also held senior management roles at Dell, Symantec, EMC and studied Mechanical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology.