About the author
Suzan M. Hall has worked in the retirement plan industry for over twenty years. She has helped hundreds of 401(k) plan participants to understand the benefits and complicated rules associates with 401(k) plans in a straightforward, easy-to-follow way. She is a Certified Funds Specialist CFS® since 2006 with an active Series 65 FINRA license and in the past have held the Series 6, 7, and 63. These designations are great, but her wealth of knowledge comes from hands-on work experience. She has conducted hundreds of employee education meetings and talked with thousands of current and prospective 401(k) plan participants from all types of companies, including but not limited to, manufacturing, law firms, construction, government, medical professionals, and more. Regardless of the industry, she found that employees simply wanted clear information provided in plain language without the fancy, unnecessary jargon that makes 401(k) plans needlessly complicated. Suzan is excited to share some educational knowledge to help guide you in the right direction when it comes to 401(k) retirement savings.