About the author
Rick Wicker is author of the highly successful ‘Song Ideas’ series of Hookbooks. He has been a singer-songwriter for over 40 years and has released 7 albums and written hundreds of songs.
Rick worked in the music business in Nashville for nearly 20 years and has had songs signed by leading industry publishers and licensing agencies. For many years song ideas and catchy phrases with development potential were written down as soon as they occurred (The ‘Lightbulb On’ Moment!). Rick recently published the first collection of those ideas titled, "Song Ideas: 3,000 Titles, Phrases and Hooklines to Inspire Songwriters and Lyricists" then followed up with, "1,000 More Song Ideas for Song / Lyric Writers" and “400 Song Ideas” as well as a compilation of all three books, “4,400 Song Ideas: All 3 Books in 1”.
Some of Rick’s other interests include Landscape Photography and Painting.