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Book details
  • Genre:TRAVEL
  • SubGenre:Europe / France
  • Language:English
  • Pages:148
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667880112

29 Days to France

Preparing for Your New Life

by Gracie Bialecki , Stephen Heiner and Molli Sébrier

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29 Days to France is the ultimate guide to moving to France. Featuring three sections: BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER, this short read will help you prepare to move to another country. 29 Days in France was born out of a desire to share information that the authors wish they had before they made the jump from the United States to the European capital of bread, wine, and cheese.

29 Days to France is the ultimate guide to moving to France. Featuring three sections: BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER, this short read will help you prepare to move to another country. 29 Days in France was born out of a desire to share information that the authors wish they had before they made the jump from the United States to the European capital of bread, wine, and cheese. Each section is full of tips and advice, including determining your "why," deciding what to pack, what visa to get, and how to set up electricity in your new home. The book is divided into Days to help make moving less intimidating, and each day features a short exercise to help you prepare. If you've ever thought about moving to France, now's the time. Reading this book is the first step to starting your new life.

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About the author

Stephen (SH)

Stephen Heiner began The American in Paris a few weeks before he moved to Paris in late 2013, as he started to document his move to Europe, where he had not lived since he was a student in 2000 in Rome. He sold an educational company in the US in 2012 and came to France not quite sure of what was next or how long he would stay. He tried out several different new businesses (with varying levels of success) before founding Writerly (www.writerly.us) in 2016 to help businesses in Europe and around the world share great content with their current and potential clients. To see what else he gets up to, you can check out his personal website (www.stephenheiner.com) where you can also find his social media feeds.

Molli (MS)

Molli Sébrier has lived in Paris since 2014 when she decided to leave her American life behind and pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Since living abroad, Molli has earned her master’s degree in English Studies with a concentration in literature and now owns a digital content boutique called Plume (www.plumecontent.com). If you’re interested in following your own dreams of moving to France, she also offers consulting. If you like to read, Molli runs a female-focused book review website called The Mistress of Books (www.themistressofbooks.com). You can follow her personal journey on Instagram @mollisebrier, and you can also follow her website there @themistressofbooks.

Gracie (GB)

Gracie Bialecki has been visiting France all her life and her most recent stint was from 2018-2022.

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