About the author
Leslie Pogue's life is a little like a Lifetime movie filled with near misses, struggle, strength, courage and triumph! From her life’s experiences she has uncovered her life’s purpose, discovered the power that lies within and recovered her mental peace.
"What I have learned from all of my adventures is that it is OK not to be perfect all the time. We all have our own journey to discover. Some people get a better map than others. Once you embrace the reality of your own journey, that in and of itself is freeing."
In 2007, opportunity met preparation when Leslie was laid off from her full time job and began fully living the life she was called to do. Training and helping people who suffer from depression and the moody blues from life's challenges gave birth to Conversations With Myself Workshops and No Psycho Babble.
"My greatest desire is for people to know that mental illness is not a death sentence. It is not a life at the mercy of medication and therapists. I fully believe in therapy but I'm not a therapist. I have lived and survived Anxiety, Panic Disorder with Depression to grow and become a fully functional, non-medicated, happy person - even on the bad days. I believe my purpose in life is to be the unbias ear; the safe place to share, cuss and cry through positive self care, self talk, and spiritual peace and understanding.”
Leslie first offered small classes to women's groups in Antelope and Santa Clarita Valley focused on honestly talking through their life experiences and what they want. With workshops like What Is Your Billboard and Conversations With Myself, Leslie has helped hundreds of people speak honestly about their life to get to the next level and ultimately.... HAPPY.... whatever comes. "Living in the land of should and if is a waste of time. The land of IS is where everything happens."
Big Hug!