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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Sexual Instruction
  • Language:English
  • Pages:120
  • eBook ISBN:9781618424631

15 Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Penis Look Bigger—

Whatever Its Size

by Ernie Coyne

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Embarrassed By Your Penis Size? Have you ever worried about not getting a woman or about losing your woman over sex or your penis size? Then this manual may be one of the most important things you ever read. It has over 100 pages of powerful information that can help you. It is the most comprehensive book on all aspects of getting a bigger penis —including physical and emotional aspects. It also reveals the truth about women’s perspective on a big penis, a small penis and even a micropenis. You’ll get the latest information on dealing with a small penis, and clever natural real ways to look like you have a large penis—and then to actually make it bigger. You’ll also learn hot tips on giving your woman extreme sexual pleasure and great orgasms. You’ll both enjoy hotter sex together. Explicit photos and diagrams are included. You owe it to yourself and your sexual self-confidence to get this ebook now.
Embarrassed By Your Penis Size? Have you ever worried about not getting a woman or about losing your woman over sex or your penis size? Then this manual may be one of the most important things you ever read. It has over 100 pages of powerful information that can help you. It is the most comprehensive book on all aspects of getting a bigger penis —including physical and emotional aspects. It also reveals the truth about women’s perspective on a big penis, a small penis and even a micropenis. You’ll get the latest information on dealing with a small penis, and clever natural real ways to look like you have a large penis—and then to actually make it bigger. You’ll also learn hot tips on giving your woman extreme sexual pleasure and great orgasms. You’ll both enjoy hotter sex together. Explicit photos and diagrams are included. You owe it to yourself and your sexual self-confidence to get this ebook now. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION ONE—ATTITUDES AND FEELINGS Chapter 1: Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Your Penis Size Chapter 2: How Women Really Feel About Penis Size SECTION TWO--- SIZE ISSUES Chapter 3: The Serious Harm to You and Your Life That Can Result from Concerns or Worry About Your Penis Size. The information in this chapter could give you the insight to literally transform your entire life for the better—not just your sex life. Chapter 4: The Real Reasons it Makes Sense to Want Your Penis to Look Bigger. SECTION THREE: STATS—YOURS AND THEIRS Chapter 5: What is Average Penis Size Range, What is Small and What is Large Chapter 6: How to Measure Your Penis, the Clinically Correct Way. One of the banks advertises that “you’re richer than you think”. This chapter will prove to you that your penis is bigger than you think. SECTION FOUR: Chapter 7: 15 Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Penis Look Bigger—Whatever Its Size. Chapter 8: BONUS CHAPTER—Seven Extra and Important Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Penis Look Bigger—Whatever Its Size. SECTION FIVE: SEX SECRETS REVEALED Chapter 9- The Mother of All Sexual Secrets—and Why It’s Good News for You This chapter unlocks the sexual mystery of women, and explains so much, that it can almost instantly release you from worry, fear and obsession about your penis size. At the very least, you’ll understand so much more and feel much, much better. SECTION SIX: Chapter 10: Resources These are to keep you informed and give you access to the latest developments, products, and additional information that can improve your sex life, sexual confidence and happiness. SECTION SEVEN: CONCLUSION. Chapter 11: Where do you go from here? ________________________________________________________________________ This ebook costs less than one pack of condoms. Less than a bottle of lube. Less than a porn magazine. Value of your penis looking bigger, becoming bigger, and you having sexual confidence and hotter sex with her---Priceless! Do yourself and your penis and your woman (present or future) a big favor— Read This Book Now! Whatever your penis size!
About the author
I'm Ernie Coyne, sex researcher and consultant. As a teenager I was petting with a “bad”girl on a date. She surprised me by reaching down and grabbing my penis in her hand. She smirked with a tiny laugh and said “Gee, it's kind of small, isn't it?" Man, was I ever insulted and embarrassed. What could I say? After all, it was true. My penis is small. I was momentarily stunned, but like a dumb robot, I kept on stroking her hairy vagina, until she came in a powerful orgasm. I drove her home and never spoke to her again. I realized that I truly did have the Irish curse: “red nose and short hose” (the tendency of Irish men to take to alcohol and to have a smaller than average penis.) Or putting the Irish curse another way: “all potatoes, no meat” (small penis and large testicles). Well I became obsessed. From then on, the mental image of that slut laughing at me now made me afraid that my sex life was doomed. If I saw a woman I was attracted to, I was afraid to try to pick her up and to try to have sex with her—I feared that she would probably be disappointed in my penis size, and remain unsatisfied. Or even worse—that she might make fun of me and tell all her friends. I now had small penis syndrome—total obsession with my small penis size. So I began researching sex like a mad scientist on a desperate mission--to become an expert on sex to overcome my small penis handicap. I did tons of research and boldly had sex with lots of women to experiment. It took years. I had lots of good sex sessions, and lots of lousy ones. But I found out what works and what doesn't for guys like you and me who have a small penis. I also learned the real facts about making your penis look bigger, and making it actually bigger. This information I discovered turned my own life around. I overcame the obsession, the insecurity, the lack of confidence, and the embarrassment of a small penis. Escaping that obsession transferred me into a new mission --that I needed to help other guys who suffered the way I had. . I don’t want you to ever worry about getting a woman; satisfying a woman; or losing a woman, over penis size. Or being mocked about it. That’s why I wrote this book--- to give you fast help and relief from the many problems a small penis can cause you.