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Book details
  • SubGenre:Prophecy
  • Language:English
  • Series title:144,000
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:252
  • eBook ISBN:9781619274587


Journey - The Return

by Matthew Karenke

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Everyone had always presumed that the ability to reach other stars would have to wait upon humanity's continuing discoveries in the field of space technology. Little did we know that our species' first journey to another star system would be provided in the form of an interstellar limousine. And little did we know how many answers to age old questions would be answered, and how many new questions would appear.
Wrapped in a science fiction blanket, this story answers a multitude of questions that have puzzled humanity for thousands of years. Is there life on other planets? What is our role in the universe? What happens and where do we go after we die? These and many other questions will be answered in these pages. And then the role of 144,000 specially trained people comes forward, with the first 12 of these destiny influencing humans being the passengers on this journey of answers, experiences and new questions. Stay with them as they address world leaders and the population of this planet after they return, and put humanity, and especially our leaders, on notice that we have some major choices in front of us now, and our decisions will affect the history of this planet in a way most are unaware of. And then comes the question to the reader? Are you one? Are you one of the 144,000? Time till tell.
About the author