The book, 110 dB, (110 Decibels, the average sound volume measurement of most rock bands) started as an idea in 1986 on a typewriter in a one bedroom apartment in Chelsea, MA. It was completed in 2007, and edited in 2012. I write from my own experiences as the lead singer in a successful Boston rock band, which shall remain nameless to protect the guilty and the innocent alike. A few years on the road, playing, recording, and living in the scene in the 1980's, has given me a special insight only few have fully experienced themselves.
110 dB, is a work of fiction. People, places and events mentioned are used with poetic license to enhance the story. The situations depicted are fabricated, and any parallel to actual events are merely a coincidence. This book is not meant for children. The sex scenes in this book were the truth about what was actually happening. I didn't want to write a porn novel, but I also wanted to be truthful and honest to the reader. It was a fine line. Some who've read this work think I went too far, and others thought I didn't go far enough. I will let you be the judge.
This is a coming of age story. It's mostly seen through the eyes of the lead singer, Jim, although every character let's you into their thoughts, dreams and flashbacks at times. If you like '80's rock music, relationships, and emotional twists, you should enjoy reading 110 dB.