Star Table Trance Missions) written with Julie, exploring in depth the five primary star systems that were the origins of the ancient ancestral Earthuman genome. They share their story of meeting and discovering many common interests and remarkable similarities, particularly as UFO/ET contactees, which quickly led them to expand Julie’s remarkable talent as a trance channel, or “seer” (her preference), since her well-developed “powers of mind” appear to carry well beyond what has previously come to be known as “channeling.” It took Julie and Ted, now in their seventh decade, several years to become sufficiently acquainted to produce these quite extraordinary accounts of their contacts with a variety of ETs, flowering into their current understanding of their purported true identities as Pleiadian/ Earthuman hybrids (Pleiadian fathers with Earthuman mothers), as they have been told, in addition to many other amazing facts and circumstances … and become convinced that many of their unusual life experiences and various other ideas consistently presented to them by more than thirty ET and Celestial Guide figures (including their ET genetic fathers), appearing in full multimedia awareness to Julie … could actually be true. The first fourteen of these “Telepresence Conferences” are contained in the initial Star Table volume. The series is projected to include a total of seventy sessions, now being completed and readied for publication in four remaining volumes (V. 2, Star Family Excursions forthcoming in January 2016). Julie and Ted express their amazement as it is revealed to them how their lives as contactees was only the beginning of the present revelation that they were and are part of a Pleiadian genetic experiment, the facts of which they have now been given in nearly full detail of their own secret lives as extraterrestrial hybrids … by members of their own star families. These benevolent ETs have coached and offered to sponsor J&T as ambassadors to Earth to help clarify some of the issues and fundamental intentions of the ET groups to be made known by them through the cited publications. Many related questions are answered along the way, which such an unprecedented circumstance—to J&T’s knowledge—would naturally draw forth. The Five Star Series is their initial effort to reveal the session transcripts publicly and acknowledge acceptance of this offer. Discovery of their common ancestry as “Pleiadian Irish,” as Ted sometimes jokes to help relieve the tension of making so extraordinary a claim (they have Sirian heritage as well), is also part of a moving love story of major proportions for themselves, which they also wish to share as part of their growth, integration and “apotheosis.” So, they have gone from being aware that they were a bit unusual as contactees, to notably having the profiles of “starseeds” a few decades later, to finally making the series of breakthroughs in which their veiled ET star families in response, have revealed much more detail about their real nativities beginning as childhood trainees in a special “night school” during sleep, with somewhat hastily arranged surrogate families, to this culminating mission together in maturity, revealing more of the nature of these arranged genitures with real, physical, extraterrestrial people. It is more than has probably ever been made public before (with the possible exception of the Eduard “Billy” Meier contacts—featuring a central role with the same extraordinary Pleiadian star-woman, Semjase). Julie and Ted both believe, given sustained prompting in their conference meetings, that this is a story—which also happens to contain some of their personal history—whose time has come for revelation in the current ET “Disclosure Era.” It goes far beyond anything they, as writers and editors, believe could have been made up by themselves. J&T have been told they are among a group of about one hundred Earthuman hybrids in this particular genetic seeding experiment being carried out by Pleiadian scientists from the star system of Taygeta, already for more than a century, which they believe nearly anyone will find quite an interesting—if not a totally amazing—report … whether they believe it or not. As one who was greatly affected by the famous contactee story dating from the Seventies of Eduard "Billy" Meier, Ted’s previous major effort in recent publication was production of a 2nd edition of the four volume Wendelle Stevens underground classic, Message from the Pleiades, the contact notes of the famous “Swiss farmer,” completely revisioned and rewritten with numerous color photos of the ET Pleiadian "beamships" taken by Meier. This is the first re-publication in English of the original classic Swiss German contactee story, out of print now for more than 30 years of an original private edition, with expanded introduction, notes and appendices. This extraordinary and controversial saga is probably still the most important contactee document ever released for publication, and one of the most important stories of the 20th Century—and even now, still largely unknown (!). " /> Star Table Trance Missions) written with Julie, exploring in depth the five primary star systems that were the origins of the ancient ancestral Earthuman genome. They share their story of meeting and discovering many common interests and remarkable similarities, particularly as UFO/ET contactees, which quickly led them to expand Julie’s remarkable talent as a trance channel, or “seer” (her preference), since her well-developed “powers of mind” appear to carry well beyond what has previously come to be known as “channeling.” It took Julie and Ted, now in their seventh decade, several years to become sufficiently acquainted to produce these quite extraordinary accounts of their contacts with a variety of ETs, flowering into their current understanding of their purported true identities as Pleiadian/ Earthuman hybrids (Pleiadian fathers with Earthuman mothers), as they have been told, in addition to many other amazing facts and circumstances … and become convinced that many of their unusual life experiences and various other ideas consistently presented to them by more than thirty ET and Celestial Guide figures (including their ET genetic fathers), appearing in full multimedia awareness to Julie … could actually be true. The first fourteen of these “Telepresence Conferences” are contained in the initial Star Table volume. The series is projected to include a total of seventy sessions, now being completed and readied for publication in four remaining volumes (V. 2, Star Family Excursions forthcoming in January 2016). Julie and Ted express their amazement as it is revealed to them how their lives as contactees was only the beginning of the present revelation that they were and are part of a Pleiadian genetic experiment, the facts of which they have now been given in nearly full detail of their own secret lives as extraterrestrial hybrids … by members of their own star families. These benevolent ETs have coached and offered to sponsor J&T as ambassadors to Earth to help clarify some of the issues and fundamental intentions of the ET groups to be made known by them through the cited publications. Many related questions are answered along the way, which such an unprecedented circumstance—to J&T’s knowledge—would naturally draw forth. The Five Star Series is their initial effort to reveal the session transcripts publicly and acknowledge acceptance of this offer. Discovery of their common ancestry as “Pleiadian Irish,” as Ted sometimes jokes to help relieve the tension of making so extraordinary a claim (they have Sirian heritage as well), is also part of a moving love story of major proportions for themselves, which they also wish to share as part of their growth, integration and “apotheosis.” So, they have gone from being aware that they were a bit unusual as contactees, to notably having the profiles of “starseeds” a few decades later, to finally making the series of breakthroughs in which their veiled ET star families in response, have revealed much more detail about their real nativities beginning as childhood trainees in a special “night school” during sleep, with somewhat hastily arranged surrogate families, to this culminating mission together in maturity, revealing more of the nature of these arranged genitures with real, physical, extraterrestrial people. It is more than has probably ever been made public before (with the possible exception of the Eduard “Billy” Meier contacts—featuring a central role with the same extraordinary Pleiadian star-woman, Semjase). Julie and Ted both believe, given sustained prompting in their conference meetings, that this is a story—which also happens to contain some of their personal history—whose time has come for revelation in the current ET “Disclosure Era.” It goes far beyond anything they, as writers and editors, believe could have been made up by themselves. J&T have been told they are among a group of about one hundred Earthuman hybrids in this particular genetic seeding experiment being carried out by Pleiadian scientists from the star system of Taygeta, already for more than a century, which they believe nearly anyone will find quite an interesting—if not a totally amazing—report … whether they believe it or not. As one who was greatly affected by the famous contactee story dating from the Seventies of Eduard "Billy" Meier, Ted’s previous major effort in recent publication was production of a 2nd edition of the four volume Wendelle Stevens underground classic, Message from the Pleiades, the contact notes of the famous “Swiss farmer,” completely revisioned and rewritten with numerous color photos of the ET Pleiadian "beamships" taken by Meier. This is the first re-publication in English of the original classic Swiss German contactee story, out of print now for more than 30 years of an original private edition, with expanded introduction, notes and appendices. This extraordinary and controversial saga is probably still the most important contactee document ever released for publication, and one of the most important stories of the 20th Century—and even now, still largely unknown (!). " />