Sharon Renee Cole, aka Erin Vans, aka Cole Vans, aka S.R. Coleyon, aka Bad Dog Coleyon is a writer and dog walker living and working in Philadelphia, Pa. She earned an MFA in Creative Nonfiction writing from The New School in NYC in 2015 and is the author Duplicity and Duress: Snap Factories in the Making, Swan Song of the Sample Lady, The Strange Bouquet, Milk and Pea Oppression and Long Term Ramifications as Seen Through a Sort of Mustard Seed Philosophy. Before all this, she wrote about all kinds of things. The adhesives on many labels, retirement communities, Canadian Geese, lgbtiq issues, food, and that logo on your pen. She supports animal activism, women's and men's rights, loves the outdoors, bikes, practices yoga and all that stuff