Mom and the compassionate crew recognize the deserving, they scoff at the opportunists and watch in awe at the absurd. Rather than a story, this book serves up scrumptious tidbits of a demo lady's experiences from within the vast and open space of those huge warehouse stores. It all really does come down to a pair of unattended dentures and a toothless patron gumming down cheesecake, a sadistic customer wanting to know every detail of a vacuum cleaner and an all out brawl in frozen foods over a pig-in-a-blanket. Not to mention a little "I am woman hear me roar!." Who knew so much drama could ensue deep within the looming aisles of these 100,000 square foot venues. This is a small 'gem,' if you will to remember just how much we, the regular people, are worth. And to remember that there really are more good people than bad out there. You just have to believe it.