The College Years In 1989, Phyllis Solis - Friederich graduated with a BA in Speech Communications from Texas A&M University owing $2,300. She was a twenty-three-year-old divorced single parent at that time. She worked, went to school, volunteered and was active in extra-curricular activities while raising her toddler son. She earned several scholarships, including a Presidential Scholarship. During her years in college, she had to learn the scholarship, grant, and loan system on her own and created a strategy – over 30 years ago. Corporate Career After graduation, doors opened, and she walked right through and had a wonderful corporate career. She climbed the corporate ladder and won two Presidential Cups. These were the years of her greatest mentoring. She was blessed with amazing leaders that taught her all their secrets to success. Unfortunately, she learned how to become silly rich, and forgot how to be smart poor (chapter 6). Reality Check Then, all the financial success came to a screeching halt with the birth of her youngest son. At five days old, her youngest son had his first open heart surgery. At nine months old, he had his second surgery. At three years old, he endured his third surgery. Then, at age ten, he had his fourth surgery with a clear expectation of having additional surgeries every ten years minimum. Student Becomes Mentor In 2016, she was placed in the position of mentor rather than student. Twenty-nine years had passed since college graduation, and it was time to pass on the torch to her children. With two high school children that were college-bound, she knew her children would be faced with paying for college because of the family medical bills. She read as many first-hand autobiography scholarship books as possible, but they were side-tabled because she was not taught how to search, organize and execute a plan. Essentially, all the books or videos would show what, where, and why. She could not find a systematic way to execute all the information. With determination, she was determined to find a plan and learn THE HOW so she could mentor her children.. A Research Project. A Workshop. A Book. Phyllis Solis - Friederich wrote College Survivor (the workbook) by accident. Before she knew it, she wrote a 150-page workbook. Her children’s friends began to ask if she could help them, and she did. Then she had a small workshop for parents, and it was amazing The Turning Point In early fall of 2017, Phyllis Solis - Friederich met two amazing women by happenstance. They both encouraged her to take the original work and publish it as a book. On one very bitter cold day in December 2017, she quit her job, hired her IT guru and in twenty-four hours had a book cover design and logo. In January 2018, with her heart racing, she called a publisher. And here we are… " /> The College Years In 1989, Phyllis Solis - Friederich graduated with a BA in Speech Communications from Texas A&M University owing $2,300. She was a twenty-three-year-old divorced single parent at that time. She worked, went to school, volunteered and was active in extra-curricular activities while raising her toddler son. She earned several scholarships, including a Presidential Scholarship. During her years in college, she had to learn the scholarship, grant, and loan system on her own and created a strategy – over 30 years ago. Corporate Career After graduation, doors opened, and she walked right through and had a wonderful corporate career. She climbed the corporate ladder and won two Presidential Cups. These were the years of her greatest mentoring. She was blessed with amazing leaders that taught her all their secrets to success. Unfortunately, she learned how to become silly rich, and forgot how to be smart poor (chapter 6). Reality Check Then, all the financial success came to a screeching halt with the birth of her youngest son. At five days old, her youngest son had his first open heart surgery. At nine months old, he had his second surgery. At three years old, he endured his third surgery. Then, at age ten, he had his fourth surgery with a clear expectation of having additional surgeries every ten years minimum. Student Becomes Mentor In 2016, she was placed in the position of mentor rather than student. Twenty-nine years had passed since college graduation, and it was time to pass on the torch to her children. With two high school children that were college-bound, she knew her children would be faced with paying for college because of the family medical bills. She read as many first-hand autobiography scholarship books as possible, but they were side-tabled because she was not taught how to search, organize and execute a plan. Essentially, all the books or videos would show what, where, and why. She could not find a systematic way to execute all the information. With determination, she was determined to find a plan and learn THE HOW so she could mentor her children.. A Research Project. A Workshop. A Book. Phyllis Solis - Friederich wrote College Survivor (the workbook) by accident. Before she knew it, she wrote a 150-page workbook. Her children’s friends began to ask if she could help them, and she did. Then she had a small workshop for parents, and it was amazing The Turning Point In early fall of 2017, Phyllis Solis - Friederich met two amazing women by happenstance. They both encouraged her to take the original work and publish it as a book. On one very bitter cold day in December 2017, she quit her job, hired her IT guru and in twenty-four hours had a book cover design and logo. In January 2018, with her heart racing, she called a publisher. And here we are… " />