About the author
Tony Angso, 洪于海 Hung Yu Hai - started studying the Martial Arts when he was in high school. He started with “Five Ancestor Fist” (五祖拳 - Wuzuquan or Ngo Cho Kun) under Chua Eh Sen of Hong Kong. Then he studied Filipino Stick Fighting and Combat Judo, as a private student. of Eleseo Jalique of Zaraga, Iloilo Philippines. He also studied Hsing-i Ch'uan (Xingyiquan 形意拳) , Yang T'ai Chi Ch'uan (太極拳 , Taijiquan) and Hsing I Pole under Master Chiao Chang-Hung (1914-2001) of Taiwan. Master Chiao was sent to the Philippines as (Taiwan) Republic of China’s representative to the Philippines. When Chiao Sifu left, Tony studied Northern Seven Star Praying Mantis (北派七星螳螂拳) under Wong Kok Wah of the Philippines. When Tony immigrated to the United States in 1986, he continued his Praying Mantis training under Bob Spoelstra (New Jersey). In 1990, while working in Connecticut, a friend introduced Tony to Wing Chun (詠春) under Dr. Gary Young, a student of Grand Master William Cheung (Cheung Cheuk Hing, 張卓慶, Pinyin: Zhāng Zhuóqìng), of TWCKF. Tony fell in love so much with Wing Chun that he traveled more than 55 miles (one way) just to attend classes in Wing Chun (Hartsdale, NY). Since then Tony has attended various schools & seminars with other masters of various Wing Chun branches to further his knowledge of the Wing Chun System. These include the following: Grand Master William Cheung of TWCKF, Australia, Ken Chung 鐘萬年 and Ben Der of California, Dr. John C. Cresione of Long Island, Chung K Chow of New York City and Randy Williams of Close Range Combat, Pennsylvania. Chin Na or Qin Na (擒拿, qín ná) training with Dr. Yang Jwing Ming of YMAA Boston Ma. Tony furthered his study in Filipino Fighting Arts by attending Sayoc Kali, Karambit training under Sensei Dawud Muhammad, Tuhan Ray Dionaldo. Tony is currently studying Chen and Yang Taijiquan under Master Peng of NJ Tai Chi Association.