"What Vienna Saw" is a psychological thriller and murder mystery set in New York City's West Village in 1982, the time of Warhol, Basquait and a pulsating Downtown art and club scene. A mysterious woman named Vienna Martel is the sole witness to a murder that takes place in a small night club called Ruby's, a murder which may be connected to the theft of a rare painting the day before. She will be called upon to describe the assailant, perhaps to testify in court, placing her life in danger from the ones she saw. But this exotic creature does not, cannot exist in daylight, and protecting her true identity as well as her life will prove as challenging as capturing the murderers. "What Vienna Saw" is not simply a murder mystery, but a love story between two distinct individuals living inside of one body, and what they will do to protect each other. This novella first appeared in the 2019 collection of stories, "The Soul Mate Expeditions."