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Book details
  • SubGenre:History
  • Language:English
  • Pages:212
  • Hardcover ISBN:9781667828251


This Book is a Keeper(s)

by Mitchell Waite

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The Waite/Rowell and Keepers/Michael ancestry is one full of rich history and tradition. While many of the bloodlines can be traced back to the 14th century or beyond, this book is intended to be much more than an ancestral document filled with names and dates of birth and death. It is intended to provide greater depth and context to some of those magnificent people in the highlighted bloodlines. This book is intended to provide a richer historical narrative on family members in my lifetime in order for future generations to better understand past relatives and preserve their story and memory. This book also advances well beyond bloodlines and is much more about family and relationships that sometimes are not blood related.
This book is being written to supplement any other historical accounts of my family ancestry. As is the case with all family trees, they branch off in many different directions. My father's mother's side, the Rowell side of the equation, has a very detailed record which goes back to the late 15th century. My quest is to not only assist in going further back if possible to do so, but to also give a more detailed account of some of the people who are listed in this historical record. While some records currently exist, they don't necessarily tell a story or give the context of the lives lived. While this effort will result in a book, which is major addition to any existing documents, this book is not intended to be a biography of family members. It is intended to provide more specific detail on certain members of our family tree and capture the essence of their lives for future generations to learn about. While I will reference the beginnings of the Waite, Rowell, Keepers, and Michael clans as far back as we now know about, the intent of this work is to capture the people from this lineage in more detail that lived during my lifetime. While there may be another supplement to this research after this book is published, it is more likely that someone else will need to add to this research after I am gone. As I contemplated the writing of this book, a primary consideration was to honor those that filled my life with love and joy for many years. As I contemplated how to best honor their memory besides thinking of them each day, I began to consider the question - who remembers us when we are gone? Certainly, the rich, famous, and powerful have plenty of historical accounts, videos, and pictures to recall their lives long after they have left this earth. But, what of the fine people that do not get as much publicity? Who remembers them after the last person to know of them passes from this life? The simple answer is no one. Unless there is something left behind to provide to a distant relative interested in learning more about their family ancestry, such knowledge and legacy is gone with the wind. While perhaps a pessimistic perspective, and I am a glass half full kind of person, I felt a more detailed supplement to the historical records which already exist is a good pathway to not only remember those so dear, but also to honor their memory for decades, perhaps centuries to come.
About the author
Dr. Waite earned his doctorate from Walden University in Applied Management and Decision Sciences with a specialization in Leadership and Organizational Change. Dr. Waite was a fire chief (retired) and commissioned officer (retired Colonel) in the United States Army. Dr. Waite was a member of the fire service for over 26 years and a member of the United States military for 42 years. Dr. Waite has also been a visiting professor for over 36 years and instructs traditional, online, and blended courses for several universities. Some of his areas of instruction are leadership, corporate management, strategic planning, and organizational effectiveness. Since his retirement from the fire service and the military, Dr. Waite has continued his lifetime of service by becoming a member of Saratoga (WI) EMS, a FEMA Safety Advisor, an instructor with Team Rubicon, a contract instructor for the National Fire Academy, a member of the Wood County (WI) Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team, a member of the Wood County (WI) Veteran's Service Commission, and an active member of his local VFW and American Legion. Dr. Waite is also the founder and President of the Double Diamond Leadership Authority, LLC which specializes in leadership development and training, and executive level recruitment (www.doublediamondleadership.org). Dr. Waite has also authored six other books, Fire Service Leadership – Theories and Practices (2008); The EMS Leadership Challenge – A Call to Action (2009); 400 Days – A Call to Duty (2010); It's All About Leadership (2016); Essential Characteristics for Effective Leaders: Cracking the Code? (2020); and Quest of the Phalanx - Revenge: A dish best served cold (2021).